
Zero oil cooking

Zero oil cooking

Zero oil cooking- is it healthy to quit oil completely ?

Here is what experts have to say

About zero oil cooking

Eating oil-free food or cooking food with less or no oil is one of the secrets to staying healthy, especially for heart patients. Doing this will not only make the food taste better but it will also give you a healthy lifestyle. Zero Oil Cooking is not just a cooking method, it’s a way of lifestyle. It will help you to live a longer, healthier, disease free, and fit life. Your food is cooked how you normally cook it is just avoid using oil.

In ancient times, our ancestors had an active physical life due to the absence of technology. They had to work relentlessly the whole day, hunt and kill animals to eat. All this physical labour ensured the natural oil they consumed through their food was fully utilized by their bodies. But in the 21st century and today’s technological era, a sedentary lifestyle has become a common way of living. On the contrary, most of the work in jobs today is on a laptop or on phone calls which results in zero to very low physical activity. The lack of movement makes it harder to digest the food properly, especially if it’s rich in fats.

It won’t be harmful if you lessen the consumption of oil since it is already present in your body in the form of good cholesterol. From childhood, we have a habit of eating oily and junk food. Fatty food feels rewarding. All this can change today also since it is better late than never. If you control your urges and start making small changes today, you will see their benefits in the long run and live a healthier life by following divyasparshi naturopathy centre special zero oil cooking method.

Advantages of Oil Free Cooking
*Decreases the risk of heart diseases
*Lowers cholesterol
*Helps in weight loss
*Lessens the inflammation
*Helps in detoxification of the body
*Easy digestion
*Promotes the idea of well-being and health
*Food varieties are unlimited
*No compromise in the taste
*Low High-density lipoprotein
*Most unsaturated oil gets reused.

Disadvantages of Consuming Oil
*Creates a risk of diabetes
*Increases risk of stroke and heart diseases
*Decreases productivity and brain function
*Causes diarrhea and stomach ache
*Becomes a cause of weight gain and obesity
*Makes you lethargic and sleepy
*Causes acne
*Increases cholesterol
*Causes bloating and impairs the gut health

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